This month let's turn your focus towards bringing more fun back into your life. It seems that in America there is considerable emphasis given to work, work, work forgetting that it's okay and desirable to have some fun as well. Let's look at some ways to bring enjoyment back into your day. This week, make a conscious decision to bring more humor and lightheartedness into your life.
"Life is too short to be serious all the time. So, if you can't laugh at yourself, call me, I'll laugh at you."--Garfield the Cat
That quote was from a cartoon character trying to encourage you to realize that even in the midst of important things in your life you can find ways to bring humor and lightness into the situation.
Today's Coaching Challenge
What role does laughter and playfulness play in your daily interactions with others, and how can you intentionally infuse more lightness into your conversations and relationships?
When you bring some fun, humor, and lightheartedness into your daily life you are not only helping yourself, but you are also helping all the people around you. It can lift everyone's spirit and attitude.
Action to take
Create a humor board for your home or office where people can post funny memes, quotes, or cartoons that make them laugh. List where people can find a favorite funny video. Revisiting these sources of humor can brighten everyone's day. Engage the help of the funniest person at your office or home to head up this humor board and help get it started.
Always supporting you, Jan