We enjoy so many freedoms in the USA that we might take some of them for granted. We are going to explore several of these freedoms: movement, autonomy, and economic. This week let's look at freedom of movement.
"Freedom of movement is the very essence of our free society--once the right to travel is curtailed, all other rights suffer."--William O. Douglas
If you were born in the USA, you probably don't give your ability to travel at will any thought, yet many people around the world don't have this freedom. Even if you are not a world traveler, you can still hop on a plane or get into your car and go anywhere you please. You can go to the next city or state without any checkpoints or permissions needed.
Today's Coaching Challenge
What does the idea of "freedom to travel" mean to you personally?
We are so fortunate to have the ability to go anywhere in the USA anytime we want and travel to other countries just following the rules of that country. We don't have to ask anyone if we can leave the country, we just go.
Action to take
If there is somewhere you have always wanted to go, make a goal today to get there. Don't let your first thought be "I can't take that trip" or "I won't be able to afford it". Pick the location and just decide that you are going to do it.
Always supporting you,
P.S. If you need some help creating this travel goal let's talk click here for a free Discover New Possibilities call.