Hi everybody!  July is here and there is a lot to celebrate.  I just finished a 5K up at Miramar Marine Corps Air Station where some of Top Gun was filmed.  Of course, the Fourth of July was just 2 days ago.  San Diego has over a dozen firework displays so no one is ever too far away from them and sometimes can see several at the same time.  Now that summer is here it's a great time to get outside, enjoy family, friends, BBQs, etc.  With that in mind, this month we are looking at enjoying our life more and making the best of everything even if it is the heat. 

DARE TO LIVE: Unveiling Five Key Steps to a Joyful Life

As Mark Twain wisely stated, “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.” This sentiment is echoed by Bronnie Ware, a palliative care nurse who spent years at the bedside of those nearing the end of their lives. She compiled her conversations with hundreds of patients into a book, "The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing." Intriguingly, all the leading regrets were about risks that people wish they had taken.

So it appears that a well-lived life calls for stepping out of your comfort zone, and at times, risking looking foolish. But how do we embrace such a life? Here are five practical tips to start living a rich, fulfilling life today.

  1. Live YOUR Life:

There will always be a chorus of voices advising you on how you should live your life. While these suggestions can be well-meaning, it's essential to remember that you're the captain of your ship. Pursue your dreams and take chances. You only live once - make it count!

  1. Work Less, Connect More:

While financial stability is important, it shouldn't come at the expense of personal relationships and joy. The time you have is precious. Spend it on play, on laughter, on building meaningful relationships. Work, as vital as it is, can always wait.

  1. Express Your Feelings:

It's human nature to fear vulnerability. However, suppressing feelings can result in a life half-lived, often leading to health issues and resentment. Take the leap and share your heart with the people around you. You'll find life much more vibrant and fulfilling when you do.

  1. Stay Connected:

No matter how busy or overwhelmed you might be, it's crucial to keep in touch with old friends. Don't let fears or insecurities hold you back. Taking time to maintain friendships not only enriches your life but also gives you a support network to lean on during difficult times.

  1. Choose Happiness:

Choosing to be happy and maintaining a playful attitude can sometimes make you the odd one out. However, always remember that your ultimate goal is to enjoy life. Let the naysayers be. At the end of your life, you'll regret the times you didn't choose joy over seriousness.

In essence, the decision to enjoy life involves some risk. It means stepping out of your comfort zone and occasionally looking foolish. But as the saying goes, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."

What risks will you take today to enjoy your life? 



When we were little, we didn't need a reason to be happy.  It seems though that as we became adults, we started to think something had to happen to make us happy.  Check out this wonderful book by Marci Shimoff.  It will help get you back on track  to being happy just because. 



We are just starting the second part of the year and my question to you is "How are you doing with the plans you made in January"?  Are you on target or has the year just rushed by and you realize that you're in the same place as you were in January?  You may have some blind spots stopping you from getting started or perhaps need to have an accountability partner to keep you on track and moving forward.  I ask this because I only take a few private clients and I have 2 spots opening up in the middle of July.  If you ready to make some changes before the end of the year click on this link to schedule a complimentary call to see if private sessions are right for you.  


Hit reply to let me know your thoughts or challenges. 

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Stay safe, healthy, and happy!

Coach Jan  

Jan Cerasaro
Jan Cerasaro Coaching