You can train your mind to see opportunities instead of obstacles. Small, consistent efforts can build a resilient and hopeful outlook that enhances both your mental well-being and your ability to achieve goals. Start to visualize your success just like the world-class athletes do.  


"Picture yourself vividly as winning, and that alone will contribute immeasurably to success."
– Harry Emerson Fosdick

Visualizing outcomes that you want can increase your confidence. "Seeing" yourself succeed helps you believe that it can – and will – happen. Visualization helps you "practice" success. When you imagine every step of an event or activity going well, you get your mind and body ready to take those steps in real life.

Today's Coaching Challenge


Instead of seeing yourself struggling with the deadline, picture yourself confidently finishing the task on time and feeling proud.  Imagine the smile on your face, the relief in your body, and the congratulatory words from colleagues or clients.


This works even if you don't visualize easily. If that's you, get some Post-it notes and write out how you want things to be, using the same ideas as above, just in written form. The effect will be the same.

Action to take

Before your day gets underway think of the things you need to accomplish then decide how you want everything to go.  You can always do this throughout the day to reinforce the positive outcome.


Always supporting you,                                                                                                                                                                                                  Jan

P.S.  If you need a little help coming up with ideas click here for a free Discover New Possibilities call

Jan Cerasaro
Jan Cerasaro Coaching