So, let's look at some of the ways you can minimize stress during the holidays so that you can put the Happy back into Happy Holidays. This week is about getting organized and prioritizing your "To Do" list.
"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule but to schedule your priorities." — Stephen R. Covey
It can be easy to have a "To Do" list so long that overwhelm starts to set in at the first glance of the list. The point of the holidays is to enjoy them in whatever manner suits you, not to get so stressed that everything is a burden instead of a pleasure.
Today's Coaching Challenge
Is the list of things you feel you need to do for the holidays lengthy and requiring so much time that you find yourself exhausted? Think of how great it would be to pare that list down, so it was manageable and only included things that you wanted to do not someone else's expectations.
Just like the quote stated schedule your priorities. What part of your holiday plans are meaningful to you and will bring you joy?
Action to take
The first action is to make your list, so you know what you think you want to accomplish. After that's done take a good look at it and write down what is most important down to the insignificant items. If the list is truly doable, great, start at the top and work down. If it is not, decide to be good to yourself and drop some items from the list.
Always supporting you, Jan
P.S. If you feel like you can't let anything go, let's talk click here for a Discover New Possibilities call.