With people becoming so disconnected due to modern life and technology, it’s important to get back to some basic family values.  Let’s take a look at that theme throughout the month. Bring more humor and fun into the family.


“Families that can laugh at themselves together grow stronger together. Humor brings perspective, and perspective brings peace.” – Unknown

Life should not be as serious as we make it.  If you have food, shelter, clothing, and most importantly the love of people closest to you, then everything else is a bonus.  Sure, there are a lot of different challenges that come up in our lives. However, when you can find something light or humorous it will change the tone of the situation.

Today's Coaching Challenge

Can you recall a time when humor helped diffuse a stressful or challenging situation in your family? In those moments when laughter helps ease a tense situation what made it effective?

An elderly couple I know once had their entire house burned to the ground.  They were just getting ready to move at the time the fire took place.  I will always remember the wife saying "Well, at least I don't have to figure out what to take with us".  Talk about diffusing a situation!

Action to take

Think of small ways to bring more playfulness into daily routines, like creating silly traditions or sharing a joke of the day?  You might even want to hang a dry erase board so everyone can draw funny faces or pick a funny word to use that day.


Always supporting you,                                                                                                                                                                                                  Jan

Jan Cerasaro
Jan Cerasaro Coaching