This month's newsletter is about the side effects of not getting enough sleep.  Using a car analogy, if food and water are for your body like gas and oil are for your car then sleep would be like the spark plugs.  When firing off properly they start the process of supplying the energy to run your car much like restful sleep supplies the energy for your body.

 "I'm looking for a moisturizer that hides the fact that I have been tired since 2010". -- Anon

This quote relates to Question #19 of the newsletter quiz which was "People tell me that I look tired".  I think everybody from time to time doesn't sleep well, wakes up feeling tired, and can see the effects when looking in the mirror.  But have you ever had people tell you "You look tired" and that comment surprised you?  When you don't get enough rest your body will pay the price and it will start to show. 

Today's Coaching Challenge

When you are tired do you realize you need more sleep and make a plan to get it or do you just grab another coffee or soda ignoring the real cause?

Every part of you slows down, rests, repairs, and rejuvenates while sleeping.  You can't deprive your body of rest for 6 nights and think that on the 7th you'll catch up, it doesn't work that way.  Remember what you see on the outside is only a fraction of your health.

Action to take

If you wake up feeling tired in the morning take a moment to determine whether it was caused by too little sleep or not quality, restful sleep then think of one thing you could change to improve your sleep for the next night. 

Always supporting you,                                                                                                                                                                                                  Jan

P.S.  If you need some help with your stress so you can sleep better click here for a free Your First Step Away From Stress call.

Jan Cerasaro
Jan Cerasaro Coaching