This month's topic is about letting go which encompasses many things ranging from letting go of things and clutter to letting go of holding on to grudges and everything in between. Life is changing very rapidly as we discussed last month and there's no sign of it slowing down. So, with all these changes, we could probably let go of something every day of our lives. This week we will be focusing on letting go of grudges.
"Forgiveness is a gift to yourself. It frees you from the past, past experiences, and past relationships. It allows you to live in the present time. When you forgive yourself and forgive others, you are indeed free." ---Louise Hay
Holding a grudge means that you feel like you were wronged either by an individual or perhaps a group. It also means that you have not forgiven the person or event and let go of the negative feelings associated with it. A famous feud from the past (which is just a collection of grudges) was the Hatfield's and McCoy's (google that if you haven't heard of them). They were an extreme example of having grudges.
Today's Coaching Challenge
Are you holding on to hurts from your past, maybe by having a grudge against a person? Is it something that you just don't want to let go of?
Do you realize that your grudge does not affect the other person at all? They go about their day without any thought of you or the event because they have moved on and you are the one refusing to let go. You do not have to condone the event or their behavior in order to forgive someone.
Action to take
Take another look at the quote above. Do you have someone you could forgive today even if it was just the driver that cut you off in traffic this morning? Your life will have more peace and happiness when you learn to let go of the big and little hurts you have experienced.
Always supporting you, Jan
P.S. Grudges create stress in your life so if it's time you let go click here for a free Your First Step Away From Stress call.