Your personal energy is a renewable resource and must be replenished so your body can function properly and perform at the levels you desire to achieve. However, many people are more concerned with the charge in their smartphones versus their own bodies. So, this month you'll become aware of how you prioritize your energy level and discover some ways to improve if needed. This week is about doing something that brings you pleasure.
"Life is too short not to nurture your inner child, make sure in your busy life of "To-Do lists", that you make time to have fun!"--- Jennifer Camboa
Self-care is not being selfish. let me repeat that, Self-Care is not being Selfish!!! How can you possibly be at your best for yourself, your loved ones, or your job if you aren't taking care of yourself? One of the things that might frequently be left off your To-Do list is doing something just because it's fun and you enjoy it.
Today's Coaching Challenge
When was the last time you went dancing, do you love sweating in a Zumba class, what about playing with your kids in the yard, or going out for an ice cream cone, what warms your heart?
If you find that you have been living at the office more than at home, or always doing for others and not you consider scheduling time each week for you to do something that you really enjoy.
Action to take
Pull out your calendar or To-Do list and schedule time for you and something that brings you joy. The key is to mark this time on your calendar and make it non-negotiable...this is your time. If it includes your kids or grandkids, that's a bonus because they will be thrilled to have you with them.
Always supporting you, Jan
P.S. Taking care of yourself reduces stress so if you're a little rusty about how to get started click here for a free Your First Step Away From Stress call.