This month we are looking at personal boundaries. Putting up a fence on your property is setting a physical boundary however, it doesn't mean that you don't like people or want to spend time with others. Having personal boundaries and sharing them makes interactions with others easier and allows you to be treated the way you wish. This week is about having no boundaries and being smothered by another.
"The only people who get upset about you setting boundaries are the ones who were benefiting from you having none." --- Unknown
Boundaries are even more important if you are around very controlling people because by you having boundaries, they don't have the level of control over you that they would like. If you are just starting to date someone and they quickly start talking about marriage and having babies, then your boundary might be that you don't date them again. A person with little or no boundaries can be easily manipulated and taken advantage of.
Today's Coaching Challenge
Are there people in your life with whom you need stronger boundaries? Do relatives always call while you are eating, do people come by unannounced and uninvited, do you need to set policies about electronic devices at the dinner table?
A wise friend of mine says "You get what you tolerate". Is it time you set some boundaries so you can be treated the way you would prefer?
Action to take
Consider picking one thing to start with where you would like to set up some rules for how you want to be treated. If you have let something slide for a long time, be gentle in your new request, yet be understanding and consistent until new habits are formed.
Always supporting you, Jan
P.S. If you need a little help coming up with ideas click here for a free Your First Step Away From Stress call.