This month the topic is forgiveness. This is a vast subject that can be needed for something as little as a slight transgression or as serious as a divorce or violence against a loved one. For the sake of the discussion this month we will look at the mid-range of things to forgive and your response to what has happened. Forgiving is something you do for yourself, not for the person who has wronged you. Forgiving yourself is often overlooked and is just as important, if not more so, than forgiving others.
"Forgive yourself for what you think you've done or not done. At every moment you had your reasons for all of your actions and decisions. You've always done the best that you could do. Forgive yourself."--- Doreen Virtue
Let me repeat part of the quote, you've always done the best that you could do. Why does it seem easier to forgive others, yet we can be so mean to ourselves? I believe this is a question without an answer.
Today's Coaching Challenge
Is there something that you have not been proud of, that you would do differently if given the chance? Did you unintentionally hurt someone's feelings?
Part of being human is knowing that you are not perfect. Even the best people out there will occasionally not perform at their best, however, we all deserve to be forgiven.
Action to take
Until it becomes comfortable for you to forgive yourself, try this. Instead of beating yourself up, think about what you have done then talk to yourself as if you were talking to your best friend. We seem to be much more understanding and caring with our friends. Would you really say all those mean things to your best friend that you say to yourself?
Always supporting you, Jan
P.S. If you need a little help coming up with ideas click here for a free Your First Step Away From Stress call.