While you can change your life anytime you want there is certainly more conversation about change at the start of each New Year.  Many of the resolutions people create have to do with getting more money, having better health, losing weight, or finding love.  While those are worthwhile goals, for the balance of the month let's look at a couple of other changes you might not have thought of.  This week the change to consider is what you can do to make the world a better place (even in a small way).

“Don’t spend your precious time asking, “Why isn’t the world a better place?” It will only be time wasted. The question to ask is, “How can I make it better?” To that, there is an answer.” – Leo Buscaglia 

If you listen to the news, you will probably think that this world is not a great place to live because most of what you hear is negative, tragic, or hostile.  The media rarely focuses on the wonderful things people do for others.  It doesn't take something spectacular to make the world better.

Today's Coaching Challenge

If you are thinking that you couldn't possibly make a difference in the world it would be helpful to bring your focus closer to home.  Do you know someone that is struggling and could use a friend?  Is there a stranger on the street that could use some food?

You could make a difference to those people, which would make the world better.  If you have not read the Starfish Story google it, it's a very short read and makes my point.

Action to take

Whose life could you touch today even by just giving them a smile or a hug?  There are so many little things you can do to improve our planet and all who live on it.  What would this world be like if everyone asked themselves at the start of the day "Who can I help today?". 

Always supporting you,                                                                                                                                                                                                  Jan

Jan Cerasaro
Jan Cerasaro Coaching