December brings many things to different people. It's a time for religious and family celebrations and with that, a variety of emotions come into play; joy, sadness, stress.  It's also a time to reflect on the accomplishments of this year and start planning for the upcoming year. This last week of the year let's look towards your plans for 2022.

Work on your strengths, not your weaknesses. How many of your New Year's resolutions have been about fixing a flaw?--Jonathan Haidt

New Year's resolutions are as changeable as the weather and are frequently discarded before much has been accomplished.  They are sometimes created to get rid of something you don't want instead of focusing your efforts on improving something that is working.

Today's Coaching Challenge

Think of 6 months from now, what part of your life would you like to improve, what would that difference look and feel like to you?  To increase your chances of success pick just one thing to work on and decide what portion of that you could complete in the month of January of 2022. 

Remember that many people overestimate what can be done in a short period of time and underestimate what can be accomplished over a long period of time. Whatever you decide on, put it in writing and only share it with people that will be supportive.

Action to take

Pull out your calendar for January 2022 and write down what you can do on January 1st towards creating your desire.  Then each day pick something small that will take you in the direction of its accomplishment.

In case you didn't open the Java from last week here is the PDF for you to download to use this week to start your planning for 2022. (It is not fillable so you will need to print it out, sorry). 

 Always supporting you,                                                                                                                                                                                                  Jan

P.S.  An advisory was just issued stating “If you have any sort of stress and we don’t have a conversation it could be hazardous to your health”   Schedule here

Jan Cerasaro
Jan Cerasaro Coaching