Peace is the topic this month. The process of effecting peace in the world is really a bottom-up procedure not from the top-down. So, each week we will progress upwards to help bring more peace to our fellow man. This first week is about creating peace in yourself, then we move to create peace in your family, then community, then the country. While you might think that you can't really make a difference isn't this the greatest thing that you can work on at the present time?
World peace, like community peace, does not require that each man love this neighbor--it requires only that they live together with mutual tolerance, submitting their disputes to a just and peaceful settlement. ---John F. Kennedy
The mutual tolerance President Kennedy was referring to requires you to be flexible in your thinking and open to different perspectives from other people. You don't necessarily have to change your own opinions just allow others to have their own beliefs and views of life understanding that everyone is right in their own eyes.
Today's Coaching Challenge
Who am I to judge another when I myself walk imperfectly? Making judgments of others is a big part of the problem in the world today. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being never and 10 being always, how quick are you to judge another person or event?
Human beings are imperfect, however, in most cases, people are doing the best they can at any given time. One of the pitfalls of judging someone is that you don't know what led to their opinions or behaviors unless you have walked a mile in their shoes. Instead of judging consider asking questions about a person's views or actions using the flexible and open mind discussed above. Remember while you are busy judging others, they are judging you too.
Action to take
If you scored high on the quick to judge scale, you might want to consider how you feel when you are being judged. Wouldn't you rather someone take the time to ask why you feel the way you do? Who could you reach out to and ask, "I want to understand your position, please tell me more"?
Always supporting you, Jan
P.S. An advisory was just issued stating “If you have any sort of stress and we don’t have a conversation it could be hazardous to your health” Click here