Chronic stress and illness, so let's talk about what you can do about it today. Enjoy yourself more. Find places, people, and circumstances that authentically bring you delight, and insist on giving them a place in your life. Increasing joy can add years to your life.
In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. -- Gordon B. Hinckley
Anybody who knows me knows I laugh a lot and have fun whenever possible. There are so many ways to easily bring more joy into your life. Friendship is one of the best ways to add joy to your life whether it be supporting them through challenging times or being silly like when you were kids.
Today's Coaching Challenge
Who in your life brings you joy, is it a best friend, spouse, or even a four-legged friend? What is it about that person that adds to your joy, is it their sense of humor, their unconditional love for you, or perhaps that you feel heard and validated? Wouldn't you like to feel that more often?
I have several friends that whenever we get together, even on the phone, we are laughing within about 30 seconds. I love being around those people because it brings a lightness to my world, and they benefit as well.
Action to take
This week's action is twofold. Who can you contact when you want to laugh, feel loved, or validated? Part two is if you are in a pretty good space today, who do you know that you can reach out to that could use those feelings from you?
Always supporting you, Jan
P.S. If you need some ideas for increasing joy click here for a free Your First Step Away From Stress call.