Are you a Tired/Overwhelmed/Stressed Professional?

Is Stress and Exhaustion Becoming a Regular Part of Your Professional Day?

  • Does it feel like there’s never enough time to get everything done?
  • Are you struggling to sleep through the night and find you’re waking up exhausted?
  • Is daily stress wearing you down, making it harder to keep going?

You can make small shifts that lead to big resultsmore energy, better sleep, less stress, and a life that feels balanced again.

After working with me, busy professionals like you find a way to get it all done while ending the day feeling accomplished. Imagine waking up rested and energized, with extra time to enjoy with your family and loved ones.

Ready to take the first step? Click on the link to take this quick quiz. It will help you see where you are now and highlight the areas to focus on to reach your goals. Learn how being overwhelmed may impact your life and start making changes today.

 What others are saying :

"reclaim my focus and manage the stress that was consuming me"

Working with Jan as my stress reduction coach has been life-changing. When my father passed away, I was thrown into emotional turmoil, and shortly after, I found out my wife and I were expecting our first child. With the weight of financial strain from my business and the time I had to take off for my father’s funeral, I felt completely overwhelmed. On top of it all, I was struggling to manage difficult employees and so-called business partners, which only added to the chaos.

Jan has been an incredible guide throughout this storm. She’s helped me get off the emotional ‘lazy Susan’ I was spinning on, helping me reclaim my focus and manage the stress that was consuming me. Her tools and strategies have been invaluable in navigating both personal grief and professional challenges, and I truly don’t know where I’d be without her support. She’s given me clarity, strength, and the ability to move forward in a way I couldn’t have imagined.

 Dr. Vivek Soham, CA

"I have tools now that I didn't have before..."

Jan, there are truly no words for what you have done for me. Thank you doesn't even begin to cut it. I will never have the level of self-esteem or inner belief that someone without trauma has, but I have some now. I have stopped bashing myself. I rest when I need to. I take lunch. I do not beat myself up over things that happen at work. I ask for what I want at work. I have boundaries. I am calm yet confident. I feel almost serene at times. You were a mirror for me. You helped me see what I couldn't see before. You were also a sounding board, someone I respect, and when I asked for your opinion about what had happened to me, your observations were what I needed to hear so I could let go. It will be a lifelong process, but I am in a much, much better place because of our time together. I have tools now that I didn't have before. Thank you, Jan, for helping me get my joy back.

Barb M, Irvine, CA 

        What you discover may surprise you.

 Your First Steps to go from Overwhelm to Feeling Back in Control


 Click the button below to get the quiz. 

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